Ordeal Members, 

If you completed your ordeal in 2022 or earlier then you are elligible to complete your Brotherhood membership.

Don’t miss a great chance to seal your Brotherhood membership.


Saturday, May 13th at 5:30 PM at the Allen Red Oak Ranch 

(GPS address: 12551 CR 282(Acker Lane), Whitehouse… about a mile from Camp Tyler, off FM 848) 


(Includes: Meal, an “awesome” Ceremony, & Sash) 

Let us know you are coming, A.S.A.P.!!!  

(So we can plan for food and reserve an OA Brotherhood sash for YOU!) 

Contact: Cece Allen (Tejas Lodge Associate Adviser of American Indian Activities) 

ceceallen2000@hotmail.com  or  903-780-4294 (TEXT only please)

Check out the flyer for more information

DeeAnn Kimbrough